Something interesting happened to me recently.  I applied for a job at Wantagh, and they asked for 3 references.  I supplied the two that I have, and stated that they were my only references.  I then got contacted by the district and they said that unless I provided 3 references, my resume would not even be considered.  This is absolutely ridiculous.  I was always told that employers ask for multiple references with the knowledge that one or two won't get back to them, so they at least will be able to get in touch with one.  I have never been told, flat out, that it's 3 or nothing.  This is particularly troubling with the way things are going now.  I know many of us have been subbing for years, so many of our references (especially those from student teaching) are woefully out of date.  Even references we get from subbing now may not be that great because once student teaching is over, no one really works that closely with you in the classroom anymore, so anything references from subbing say is hearsay.  Personally, I think for a district (or any employer) to absolutely demand a certain number of references is saying that they don't care about your quality as an employee, they just want someone who will either kiss up to higher-ups or be a social butterfly and socialize all day.  Is this really the type of employee they are looking for?  If so, then I am surely out of luck.  Don't get me wrong, I'm friendly, but I have a life outside school, and I don't spend my time sucking up to everyone on my off periods.  Since I have never been told I was excluded because of a lack of references before, I am hoping this is an isolated instance, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had this occur.  Please, comment here or start a thread in the forums and tell us what you think and if it's happened to you.    
Finally, I get to get back to work this Tuesday.  It's been a long wait, so I'm happy to be going back.  It'll be interesting to see if the same subs are there form last year.  I wonder if any got regular teaching jobs...or if anyone just flat out quit.  I wouldn't blame them if they did...but clearly I am sticking it out as long as it take.  What choice do I have?  I changed my entire career path almost 8 years ago to get in to teaching.  Has it paid off?  Monetarily, no, not really at all.  But at least I enjoy what I do now...even if it means putting off the rest of my life a little (or a lot) longer.  So, let's get the new year started!!!
This is always a slow time of year for subs.  Not many teachers call in sick, not many just taking a day off, so we are all in a holding pattern.  On top of that, permanent subs around here don't start until October 1, so the wait continues.  I actually got one of those automated calls from AESOP to work the other day, but I didn't take it.  I know permanents aren't allowed to work in September, but last year, the dates we weren't allowed to work were blocked off on AESOP, and this year, so far, they weren't.  I called the school to make sure, of course, but they told me I can't work yet...and shortly thereafter, the dates in September were all blocked off on AESOP.  Has anyone else worked at all this September?    
I know what you're started last week.  Yes, it indeed start last week in many places...but not here.  Here school starts today.  Unless you're a permanent sub.  Then school starts October 1.  So the wait continues.  It's only an extra 3 weeks so it's not so bad.  Plus, nothing has come up on AESOP for my district yet.  Usually, the days start popping up for subs before the school year even starts.  This year, nothing.  It's a little weird.  Oh well.  Anyone out there subbing this year yet?
I finally got word yesterday that I will be a permanent sub again this year.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute.  Actually, at first I was told I would NOT be permanent, then something apparently happened, because they called me back and said they changed their minds and I would be permanent.  What a relief.  Not that I'm stopping my job search, but it's nice to have something steady.  How are everyone else's job searches going?